We are now well into the new year, and I would venture to say that, if you made any resolutions for 2015, many of them are already broken. With good intentions, we make often impossible promises to ourselves at the beginning of a new year, only to fail at keeping them in the long run. We vow to quit smoking, lose weight, and exercise more. We swear to get a new job, go back to school, take up piano lessons, and even spend less time on Facebook! While these things may indeed be important, we tend to look at them as goals to reach within a fixed amount of time, and we feel guilty if we don't succeed in meeting them. That only tends to make us feel worse about ourselves, something that leads to dissatisfaction and loss of peace in our lives.
But there's something more. Resolutions such as these focus on our physical well-being and not so much on our inner life or the relationships we have with others. Maybe it's time to step back and examine how much more meaningful our life would be if we resolved to make some changes in how we perceive the skills and challenges we have been given in this life -- and how we might improve our manner of dealing with others in our world. These types of resolutions are for everyone, for all time -- not just for 2015. They are meant to be ongoing, with no measurable goal in mind, other than a sense of peace and contentment with one's life. So, are you ready to consider some changes that would benefit both you and those around you? Here are some ideas to get you started:
Forgive someone who has hurt you...Get in touch with a forgotten friend...Be more trusting and trustworthy...Write a letter...Give a soft answer...Encourage someone who is down...Be a person of your word...Swallow your pride and apologize...Be more understanding...Listen more and speak less...Think of others before self...Take time to laugh...Express your gratitude...Welcome a stranger...Enjoy the wonder of life and the beauty of the earth...Limit your demands on others...Lose the need to be in control...Tell someone that you love them.
Just think how different 2015 would truly be if we chose only one or two of these "resolutions" and made them a part of our daily walk. They could become habits for a lifetime, transforming us from the inside out, and helping the world around us to become a kinder and gentler place to live.